Responsible  Work Package 2 – Applications,  Co-Design, Porting and Evaluation

Work Package 2 – Applications,
Co-Design, Porting and Evaluation

Paul Carpenter

Senior Researcher
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Barcelona, Spain

Linkedin Profile

Dr Paul Carpenter’s career has taken him from Cambridge to California to Catalonia – where he is now a Senior Researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC).

He has worked on a variety of HPC research projects, including roles as Principal Investigator on the FP7 Euroserver and H2020 ExaNoDe Projects, Co-Chair of the Working Group on Programming Models in ETP4HPC and Package leader for Eurolab-4-HPC WP2 Research, ExaNoDe WP3 Software Enablement and EuroEXA WP2 Applications.

After earning both his BA (Mathematics) and MA (Computing) at Cambridge University, Dr Carpenter worked as a Senior Software Engineer with ARM, before working briefly with Berkeley Design Technology (BDTI), Inc. in Berkeley, California. He then completed his PhD in in computer architecture from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in 2011.

Today, with BSC, he leads the Microserver Architectures and System Software team, which focusses on distributed memory support for the OmpSs programming model, hypervisor support for programming models and coherence islands, and interconnect energy proportionality for HPC workloads on Ethernet and InfiniBand.