EuroEXA > Background
Setting the horizon for European Supercomputing
EuroEXA was funded by the EU through the Horizon 2020 framework – a research and innovation programme investing nearly €80 billion to fuel breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts, by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
Our project group was assembled to drive the development of our members’ technologies, working together to co-design the future of EU-based ExaScale supercomputers. To do that, we built testbeds, showing new architectures and technologies which can be extrapolated to demonstrate:
Compute Performance – up to 400 PetaFLOPS, with an estimated system power of around 30MW peak consumption.
Energy Efficiency – 250 PetaFLOPS per MW for future iterations of semiconductor technologies within the architecture.
Compactness – showing that an ExaScale machine could be built within 30 shipping containers, with an edge-to-edge distance of less than 40m for the computers.